How About A Christian Blogger's Conference?
An exciting new idea surfaced today, a suggestion from Hugh Hewit( that we put together a Christian Blogger's Conference. The idea took off right away, and within minutes, it seemed, a church was offered, in Mesa, AZ. Anyone wishing to attend or to help in putting on the conference can get further information from Hugh's website, or from the following:
What this can do for the spread of the Gospel of Christ is astronomical in scope. Those of us who blog in a Christian manner, for the furtherance of the Kingdom of God, need to be educated in how to work at this exciting new outlet. I am really excited at the prospect of really learning how to blog effectively for the Lord, as this is my only ministry outlet at present. I would just love to attend such a conference, and if it can be organized and if I can get the funds to attend, I will be there with my trusty laptop in tow, praying and listening to learn how to best use this terrific medium for God's purpose.
If you just stopped by, and if you are interested, go to Hewitt's site, sign on, and let them know that you heard it here. Also, please leave a comment with me, so I can know that you visited me here.
God has used the advances of every century since Jesus came to us, for His purposes. It is just so great that we have this method of spreading the Gospel, looking to Jesus, working on the Great Commission of the Church. I am really happy to be even a small part of such a revolutionary move forward with the Word of God.
Thank you for visiting our site, and may God bless, protect, and keep you, is our prayer!
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